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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Audiobook Arrivals!

Jules Farentino knows that her teenaged half-sister, Shaylee, has been having problems lately. But when she learns of her mother's plan to send Shay to an elite boarding school, she's skeptical. The Academy is a remote, secluded institution with a reputation. But one of its students went missing six months ago and has never surfaced. And the further Jules digs, the more concerned she becomes. On impulse, Jules applies for a teaching job at the Academy, and once there, her suspicions grow.

Arriving in the ancient Byzantine city in the year 1273, Anna Zarides has only one mission: to prove the innocence of her twin brother, Justinian, who has been exiled to the desert for conspiring to kill Bessarion, a nobleman. Disguising herself as a eunuch named Anastasius, Anna moves freely about in society, using her skills as a physician to manoeuver close to the key players involved in her brother's fate.

With an ailing mother to support, attorney Lisa Shewmaker takes a job as a research assistant to District Attorney Scott Buchanan. While reviewing cold cases in the Fayette County courthouse, she comes across photos that may help her uncover details about her mysterious past. But when a series of catastrophes strike close to home, Lisa confides in Scott, and their relationship develops into something completely different. Together Lisa and Scott unravel a terrifying web of criminal connections that could destroy the very fabric of Lisa's life--if she lives long enough, that is.

On the run from drug dealers, Alice Connelly spikes her twin sister Bennie's drink in an attempt to steal her identity and money. The plan works perfectly, and Bennie is left to explain her situation to the police. When her pleas fall on deaf ears, she teams up with another of Alice's victims to reclaim her identity.

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